On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, S. Sayre Batton, Oshman Executive Director at SJMA, and Lauren Schell Dickens, curator, attended the opening of Diana Al-Hadid: Delirious Matter at the Bronx Museum of Arts, New York. Organized by Dickens, the exhibition is an extension of SJMA's critically acclaimed 2017 exhibition Diana Al-Hadid: LIquid City.
The exhibition features the monumental sculpture Nolli’s Orders (2012), which references Giambattista Nolli’s landmark 1748 map of Rome, the first of its kind to show the public spaces of the city. In it, Al-Hadid used voids and solids, transparency and opaqueness, to convey public and private spaces, figure and ground. Also included is South East North West (2017), two cartographic wall-panels made from the artist’s signature polymer gypsum, which was recently acquired by the San José Museum of Art through a gift of the Lipman Family Foundation.
Diana Al-Hadid: Delirious Matter will be shown concurrently with a special commission by the Madison Square Park Conservancy of new sculptural works by Al-Hadid, and it will feature additional works and primary source materials, including a reprinted folio of Nolli’s map and works on paper by old masters from the Metropolitan Museum collection.
Diana Al-Hadid: Delirious Matter has been organized in collaboration with San José Museum of Art curator Lauren Schell Dickens.
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