Rights and Reproductions

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Regarding Rights and Restrictions

May I print some of these out for my report, or use them in my classroom?

Yes, assuming this is a non-commercial academic work, and you have no intention of publishing it. The electronic source of the text and images should be cited as would any printed work. The citation should include the URL from which the image is obtained. This type of educational work is encouraged; all other uses are specifically prohibited without prior permission.

May I use these images or text unaltered on a file server in my school or museum?

Yes, if there is no charge for the user and if electronic distribution is of limited term to your school or museum only. The images must remain unaltered. All accompanying text information in the associated HTML file and this Terms of Use file must be included, and must be presented completely and unchanged.

May I put these on a CD-ROM, public domain or otherwise?


How do I obtain permission to use the Materials in a publication, commercially, on a CD-ROM, etc.?

Anyone who wishes to use any of the Materials for commercial use, publication, or for any purpose other than personal fair use, must first request and receive prior written permission from SJMA. At a minimum, please include a project description, and your name, home address, telephone number, facsimile number and/or email address. Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis in SJMA’s sole discretion, and may be limited by or subject to the intellectual property rights of a third party. The responsibility for ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permissions remains solely with the user and SJMA will have no responsibility in connection with securing such necessary rights for any Materials on the website. A usage fee may be required depending on the type and nature of the proposed use.

Contact copyright@sjmusart.org