Strategic Plan, 2023–2027
Mission Statement: The San José Museum of Art nurtures empathy and connection by engaging communities with socially relevant contemporary art
Overarching Goal: Become a borderless Museum, essential to creative life throughout the communities of San José and Silicon Valley
OBJ. #1:
Develop a far-reaching creative presence throughout Silicon Valley and beyond
Desired Impact: Grow the Museum’s audience base and name recognition by providing multiple entry points onsite, offsite, and digitally
- Strategy A: Originate innovative curatorial programs, which prioritize community relevance, take a stand on social issues, and make significant and identifiable contributions to the Museum’s community and field
- Strategy B: Prioritize programming as a critical component of SJMA’s curatorial vision, audience development efforts, and commitment to community
- Strategy C: Build capacity and infrastructure to support seamless hybrid experiences
- Strategy D: Increase the Museum’s recognition and visibility in different communities, regionally, nationally, and internationally
OBJ. #2:
Embrace the Museum’s potential to serve as an incubator of change by becoming a gathering space for diverse communities and cross-disciplinary interests
Desired Impact: Become recognized throughout the community as a uniquely collaborative and empathic organization
- Strategy A: Expand SJMA’s collaborations with local arts and culture organizations, sharing physical space, virtual bandwidth, and positional power
- Strategy B: Advance SJMA’s status as a leader in arts education, centering on the Museum as a vital community resource for creative thinking and engagement
- Strategy C: Nurture a welcoming and inclusive experience for visitors of all backgrounds; root out and address barriers to access
- Strategy D: Build on the success of the free admission program for youth, students, and teachers and prioritize engagement with these audiences
OBJ. #3:
Redefine the Museum structure through an equity lens
Desired Impact: Become borderless internally as well as externally
- Strategy A: Advance equity a top institutional priority and become a leader in integrating this work into daily operations
- Strategy B: Build collaboration into basic processes and nurture the mindset of a holistic SJMA, where volunteers, staff across departments, and Trustees work together and share responsibility for and pride in the Museum’s successes
- Strategy C: Treat recruitment, retention, and professional development as vital Museum responsibilities
- Strategy D: Develop feedback tools and systems for analysis to support accountable growth towards institutional goals
OBJ. #4:
Grow SJMA’s operating budget commensurate with the stature and significance of San José and Silicon Valley
Desired Impact: Expand revenues and broaden SJMA’s support base
- Strategy A: Upgrade SJMA’s multi-year fundraising plan underwriting general operating support by emphasizing the Museum's cultural significance and community value
- Strategy B: Deepen relationships with existing supporters to build a pipeline of support rooted in a reciprocal, rewarding, and unique experiences
- Strategy C: Connect to powerful advocates—individual, institutional, and corporate—who share the Museum’s values and goals