
  • Dinner guests in formal attire are seated outdoors at round tables. Large palm trees are between the tables, each with small lights wrapped around the trunk. In the background, on the building, a large sign reads “San José Museum of Art.”

    SJMA is delighted to partner with corporate funders to present exciting exhibitions, nationally applauded school programs, award-winning publications, and in-gallery technological and interactive interpretation for our visitors. Corporate support plays a significant role in SJMA’s efforts to engage and enrich the individual and the community, and to sustain, promote, and cultivate the value of the visual arts for our diverse audience in the Bay Area.

    Companies have the opportunity to sponsor major exhibitions and programs while increasing their visibility with the Museum's audience through:

    • Access to targeted segments of SJMA's membership and audience
    • Visibility through online and print collateral
    • Marketing opportunities to leverage sponsorship through customized promotions
    • Hospitality opportunities to entertain clients and employees at SJMA’s beautiful facility

    Corporate Partners

    Corporate Partners support vital community programs while serving business objectives and offering key benefits. Benefits are tailored to each giving level of $1,000 and above and depending on level include:

    • Recognition online and in publications and collateral
    • Admission for employees and clients year-round
    • Invitations to VIP events
    • Facility rental discounts

    For more information on sponsorship opportunities and Corporate Partners, please contact:

    Jennifer Sime
    Chief Philanthropy Officer
    San José Museum of Art
    110 South Market Street
    San José, CA 95113
    Tel: 408.271.6885