New Terrains, Pajaro Valley Arts – Text transcript of video

Virtual Tour: Hablamas Juntos/Together We Speak: Un Diálogo Visual/A Visual Dialog

I would like to show you how to take a virtual tour of Habla Más: Windows.

Together, we speak.

Starting at the Pajaro Valley Arts website:

  1. Select the Education page.
  2. Select Habla Más: Windows Virtual Tour, and the tour will automatically upload.

You can take the guided tour we have plotted out for you, or at any point, you can use your mouse or touchpad to guide the tour yourself. If you do this manually, you can click on the red dots to find information about the artists and their pieces.

When you switch to manual mode, you will also see blue circles on the floor. Click on these to navigate between rooms and get a closer view of the artwork.

Our Habla Más: Windows exhibit ran from August 8 – October 7, 2018, curated by Juan Fuentes and Michele Mouton. This exhibit explores visual dialogues created by prominent California Latinx artists. Since our exhibit is closed, we invite you to take a virtual tour to experience this extraordinarily rich collection, showcasing the different ways our artists give voice to and navigate:

  • Daily life
  • Current events
  • Social, political, and cultural issues
  • Community and ethnicity
  • Personal narratives, myths, and history

Featured Artists:

  • Susana Arias
  • Amalia Mesa-Bains
  • Eduardo Carrillo
  • Arena Cervantes
  • Pablo Cristi
  • Emigdio Infante
  • Juan Fuentes
  • Danielle Galvez
  • José Lozano
  • Lorraine García-Nakata
  • Carlos Jackson
  • Germán León
  • Héctor Mendoza
  • Viviana Paredes
  • Pancho Rodríguez
  • Michael Roman
  • Manuel Santillán
  • Linda Vallejo
  • Cruz Ortiz

A collaboration between Pajaro Valley Arts, Museo Eduardo Carrillo, and the Young Writers Program, this project was supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional funding from the Arts Council of Santa Cruz County and individual donors.

The Habla Más: Windows exhibit was presented in partnership with the San José Museum of Art, nurturing collaboration through New Terrains: Mobility and Migration. South Bay arts organizations banded together to present a series of cross-disciplinary exhibitions, programs, and experiences that explore how bodies move through spaces—socially, politically, literally, and figuratively.

We hope that our virtual tour has provided you with an alternative way of experiencing our exhibit.