Interpretation | Passing the Baton



    Raise Your Fist For...

    When Tommie Smith took the podium during his 1968 Olympic medal ceremony, he made history by raising his gloved fist to take a stand and bring international awareness to his cause. Smith has said that moment “was a cry for freedom and for human rights. We had to be seen because we couldn’t be heard.”

    Smith’s gesture exemplifies how one’s voice can resonate in a nonviolent movement; his peaceful yet powerful act continues to speak volumes about solidarity on human rights. Today his protest invites future generations—figuratively passing the baton—to effect positive change in local and global communities.

    What would you raise your fist for?

    Tommie Smith and artist Glenn Kaino led drawing rallies around the United States, inviting participants to use the Osmo mirroring device to retrace the monumental moments that led him to champion his beliefs.

    This online interpretive space allows you to explore the metaphor of “passing the baton” by reflecting upon personal causes and sharing what you will raise your fist to support.

    Visitor Interpretations

    Print-out Version 1

    Print-out Version 2


    Image: Photo by JKA Photography