As part of SJMA’s free Community Day: Lunar New Year on Saturday, February 22, 2020 the Museum hosted a special temporary exhibition called Ấp Ủ: Identity | Journey | Legacy. Rooted in stories of place, family, journey, identity and—ultimately—home, the multi-layered works on view as part of this special exhibition were created by elders from San José’s large and vibrant Vietnamese community in a creative learning workshop led by artists Trinh Mai, Binh Danh, and Cynthia Cao at the Vietnamese American Cultural Center in December 2019. Chopsticks Alley arranged for transportation for the elders to see the exhibition and they were honored with opening remarks made by State Assembly member Ash Kalra and City Councilmember Maya Esparza as well as SJMA’s Deputy Director Holly Shen, and Chopsticks Alley Executive Director Trami Cron.
Exhibition Panels
English translations of the stories are available by podcast, which can be accessed below.

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