Variations on a Theme

  • A three-dimensional abstract sculpture which appears to be coming to life and peeling itself free from the wall. The shape is decorated with thick dripping paint in organic shades and has an alternating design that is divided with silver wing shapes.

    Tam Van Tran
    Most Secret Butterfly, 2009
    Acrylic, staples, and colored pencil on paper and canvas Created in part with funds provided by the James Irvine Foundation; commissioned by the Council of 100

  • Pixelated portrait of a long haired person with their head tilted to the left side. A white blindfold obscures the figures identity, their only defining feature being their full red lips. Paralleling the large lips are an equally red mark on their forehead.

    Bari Kumar
    Blind Faith, 2009
    Cotton, cardboard, and Plexiglas Created in part with funds provided by the James Irvine Foundation; commissioned by the Collections Committee, in honor of Deborah D. D. Norberg and her many years of dedicated service to the San Jose Museum of Art

  • View of a gallery with 3 housing structures made of dark wood and cobalt glass bottles. The main structure is a one room building, large enough to stand in and a slanted roof. Fences extend from the sides of the building.

    Mildred Howard
    Abode: Sanctuary for the Familia(r), 1994
    Bottles, wood, sand, walking stones, yellow roses, lights
    Gift of Drew and Katie Gibson.

  • F. Scott Hess
    On the Roof, 1996
    Oil on canvas
    Gift of Alvin Smith

    This expansive presentation of works by more than 30 contemporary artists (most based in California) showcased pivotal works in a variety of media from the SJMA collection, some of which had never before been on view, and highlighted the Museum’s commitment to supporting the work of California artists. 


    • Applied Materials
    • The Museum Store Guild
    • Doris and Alan Burgess