Tino Rodriguez: The Darkening Garden/El Jardín al Anochecer

  • Tino Rodriguez, 
    Érase una Vez (Once Upon a Time), 1997, oil and rhinestones on wood, 6 x 6 in., 
    Collection of Elizabeth Gómez 

  • Tino Rodriguez, 
    El Amante (The Lover), 1998 
    oil on wood, 17 x 16 inches, 
    Collection San Jose Museum of Art 

  • Tino Rodriguez, 
    Spring Lullaby, 2002, 
    oil on wood, 12 x 12 inches, 
    Collection of Bernard Jazzar and Hal Nelson, Los Angeles 

  • Tino Rodriguez, Rosa Mistica, 1995, Oil on wood, 19 x 12 in., 
    Collection of Andrea Quijada 

    Tino Rodríguez: The Darkening Garden/El Jardín al Anochecer was the first solo museum exhibition for the emerging San Francisco–based painter and included nearly 40 exquisite small-scale paintings ranging from 5 × 7 to 2 × 4 inches.
