Sandow Birk's Divine Comedy

  • Sandow Birk, Greyon—The Beast of Fraud, 2002, 15 x 12 inches. Collection of the San Jose Museum of Art. Gift of Peter and Beverly Lipman

  • Sandow Birk, The Rise of Greyon, 2002, 15 x 12 inches. Collection of the San Jose Museum of Art. Gift of Peter and Beverly Lipman

  • Sandow Birk, Inferno, 2003, oil on acrylic on canvas, 66 x 120 inches. Collection of the San Jose Museum of Art. Gift of the Lipman Family Foundation, in honor of the San Jose Museum of Art's 35th Anniversary.

    This exhibition featured Birk’s most recent series of prints and paintings, which are based on his contemporary re-translation of Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century epic poem The Divine Comedy.
