Kids Summer Art Camp Virtual Exhibition

Welcome to SJMA's 2021 Kids Summer Art Camp Virtual Exhibition featuring 75 works of art from our summer art camp artists, SJMA's gallery teachers and studio art educators, as well as our esteemed professional guest artists. This year's virtual exhibition features an interactive scavenger hunt to test your looking skills and the opportunity to learn more about SJMA's educational programs and events.

The art you will see on these virtual gallery walls are an expression of artists of all ages and levels of experience coming together and doing their work, with unlimited vision.

– Amy Sargeant, Manager of K–12 Curriculum and Instruction

Kids Summer Art Camp

Experience the virtual exhibition

Many thanks to our young campers and families, guest artists Hayal Pozanti, Kathy Aoki, Imin Yeh, Kathryn Otoshi, and Diana al Hadid. Appreciation to our Studio Art Educators Emilio Banuelos, Shannon Stearns, and Zartashia Shah and Gallery Teachers Roan Bontempo, Linda Franklin, Ali Fitch, Julian Zamora, Saoirse Alesandro, STEAM expert Greg Brown and Education Coordinator Radhika Tandon. A special thanks to Eric Sargeant for his Sketchup mastery. Finally, thank you Education Director Jeff Bordona, Director S. Sayre Batton and the many SJMA staff members and Board of Directors for their contributions of time, talent, and unlimited support.