Edge Conditions

  • Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin, Listening Post, 2002-2005. Supporting hardware and software, 146 x 233 x 31 inches. Collection of the San Jose Museum of Art, gift of Deborah and Andy Rappaport and the Lipman Family Foundation.

  • C5, The Analogous Landscape (Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji), 2005, Two 4 x 4.5 foot aluminum-cast sculptures and computer-generated projection South Gallery. Courtesy of the artists.

  • Small digital signs, colums, and rows of displaying information. Perhaps eluding to the social media and information age. Maybe tweets. The way that the small signs hang makes them seem endless just like the amount of information we have available.

    Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin, Listening Post (detail), 2002-2005. Supporting hardware and software, 146 x 233 x 31 inches. Collection of the San Jose Museum of Art, gift of Deborah and Andy Rappaport and the Lipman Family Foundation.


    Part I: June 3, 2006–November 26, 2006

    Part II: July 29, 2006–November 26, 2006

    Edge Conditions featured the work of over a dozen artists whose digital art is among the most exciting and challenging contemporary art being created today. Part I: The initial installation consisted of two works: Listening Post by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin and Ingo Gunther’s World Processor.

    View photos of the exhibition at: Flickr


    The San Jose Museum of Art would like to thank its sponsors for their support of this exhibition: Mentor Graphics, Yvonne and Mike Nevens, Deborah and Andy Rappaport, and Lipman Family Foundation.


    • Lipman Family Foundation
    • Deborah and Andy Rappaport
    • Yvonne and Mike Nevens