Spanish Language Led Tour

woman leading a group of Spanish-speakers on a tour

Ruby Morales leads visitors on an exhibition tour. Photo by Frederick Liang.

Free; registration is encouraged.

Experience the dynamic world of Christina Fernandez: Multiple Exposures on our free Spanish language-led tour! Join SJMA Educator Ruby Morales as she leads you through an immersive experience, weaving together engaging interpretation activities and a hands-on art project inspired by the exhibition. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to explore, learn, and create together–reserve your spot now.

RSVP here


Ruby is a multimedia artist from San José, California. She holds a B.A. in Collaborative Health and Human Services from California State University, Monterey Bay. Although Ruby did not study art at a college level, she has taken practicing art seriously since childhood. Her experience working with youth and special education of all ages has led her to pursue teaching art. She hopes to empower students to use art for fun but also as a tool for healing. Aside from practicing art, she loves movies, herbal teas, cooking, and bike rides at sunset.         

Ruby es una artista multimedia de San José, California. Ella tiene un B.A. en Salud Colaborativa y Servicios Humanos de la Universidad Estatal de California, Monterey Bay. Aunque no estudió arte a nivel universitario, ella ha tomado en serio la práctica del arte desde niña. Su experiencia trabajando con jóvenes y educación especial de todas las edades la ha llevado a enseñanza del arte. Ella espera enseñar estudiantes que usen el arte para divertirse, pero también como una herramienta para sanar. Además de practicar el arte, le encantan las películas, tés de hierbas, concinar y paseos en bicicleta al atardecer.