Curator's Workshop | The Imaginative Landscape: Pao Houa Her

black and white tropical landscape

Pao Houa Her, untitled, from the series "Mt. Shasta," 2021–22. Inkjet print and light box, 60 x 75 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Bockley Gallery, Minneapolis.

12pm PDT [Online on Zoom]
SJMA Member Exclusive

Join Lauren Schell Dickens, chief curator, as she discusses the developing exhibition The Imaginative Landscape: Pao Houa Her (July 11, 2025–January 2026), the first solo exhibition of work by the Hmong-American artist, which explores the construction of homeland. Rooted in the experience of her Hmong community and shaped by lore passed down by her elders, the artist uses a formally rigorous approach to image-making to explore the complex intertwining of artifice and desire bound up in dreams of homeland.

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Curator's Workshop is a quarterly, virtual program where SJMA's curators share insights into their current projects, ideas, research, and recent discoveries with members. 

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