Michael Eden. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Join us for an introductory workshop exploring sustainable design and art through 3-D printing, led by UK-based artist, maker, and designer Michael Eden and SJSU associate professor of design Yoon Chung Han. After a short presentation on redesigning historical objects using digital processes, participants will use Rhino3D software to design a small, personalized 3-dimensional object as an introduction to the 3-D printing process and the use of recycled and sustainable materials in contemporary art and design.
All objects designed in the workshop will be printed from recycled filaments and included in a culminating exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art San José, opening in September 2023.
This Art 101 workshop is recommended for beginners ages 12 and up.* Laptop computers and software will be provided. Space is limited. Registration required. 3-D printers will be available at the workshop as a demonstration of the printing process. Registration also includes admission to the galleries.
*Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
This workshop is the third in a series of three, presented as part of the “Exploring and Supporting San José’s Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Art through 3D Printing Technology” project, in partnership with San José State University, Chopsticks Alley Art, the City of San José Office of Cultural Affairs, and the Institute of Contemporary Art San José. Funded, in part, by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Michael Eden is a maker whose work sits at the intersection of craft, design and art. Through this he investigates the relationship between hand and digital tools. He is particularly interested in how the tacit knowledge and sensibility to the three-dimensional object, developed through extended ceramic practice can affect and influence the approach to the creation of objects using digital technology.
As a member of the generation bridging the digital divide, he firmly believes that he is able to contrast and compare life before and after the invention of the personal computer. For Eden, it is a matter of choice, as life at the beginning of the 21st century has furnished makers with a wider choice of tools, materials and processes with which to realize ideas and concepts. All have their place, the new does not replace the old; the key is to make appropriate use of them.
Yoon C Han is an interaction designer, multimedia artist, and researcher. Her research includes data visualization, biometric data visualization and sonification, new interface for musical expression, and mobile user experience design. She studied Graphic Design and Interaction Design at Seoul National University (SNU) and earned two Master's at SNU and Design | Media Arts at UCLA. She was a graduate student researcher and teaching assistant at the Experimental Visualization Lab, and a Visiting Researcher and Ph.D. Student at the SENSEable City Lab in MIT in Cambridge, MA. She taught interaction design and computer programming for artists and designers at the Academy of Art University, University of San Francisco and California State University, Fullerton. She recently completed her Ph.D. at the Media Arts and Technology, UC Santa Barbara.
Currently, she is an associate professor in graphic design at the Department of Design at San José State University, and a SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Gallery Chair.
Yoon C Han has been named a 2023 City of San José Cultural Ambassador. A citywide initiative, the City of San José Cultural Ambassador program invites active participation in creative projects from residents and celebrates the diversity of San Jose's cultural communities.